Michael Jackson | Condolence Book

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Name: julia
From: germany
E-mail: Contact
...i can't find the words which can express my sadness about your death.and my angryness about the media who wrote so much s*** about you and the stupid people who believed it and still do...you were a genie...i don't stop listening your music,which inspirates me a lot for my art work...i miss you
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Chris
From: Harlow, United Kingdom
E-mail: Contact
You were an inspiration for us all. Now this world has lost another angel. There are not many that walk this place we call Earth, Princess Diana is one, you Michael are another. You brought so much happyness to us. May you watch over us from heaven and gide us as we continue our lives. You have touched so many people in your lifetime and you will continue to do so forever more. God Bless you, may you rest in peace. And thankyou for being so amazing. We will miss you Michael xxxxx
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: KiKi
From: USA
E-mail: Contact
You incourage me to fight for my dreams and help those around me . ily !

RIP <3
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Kiana
From: USA
E-mail: Contact
You are such a wonderful person. So sweet . and Talented .

You truly are the King Of Pop !

RIP Michael ! <3
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Soraya
From: France
E-mail: Contact
Rest In Peace our Dearest King Of Pop!

I miss You so, i can't breathe without You, You give me strength to fight for my dreams!!
Thanks to You, i've been successfull this year in my medical studies, i gonna be a pediater, to heal the world and take care of children, just as You have always wanted it!
I wanted to write You a letter to thank You... now i know that i don't have any chance to be read!
I hope Your Family will manage to overcome all of that, especially Prince, Paris and Blanket.
I know that You'll be watching from where You are.
Love You Forever.

"I will never let You part,
and You're always in my heart"
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Craig Grove
From: London
E-mail: Contact

Private post. Click to view.

Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jazz
From: UK
E-mail: Contact
You were a living legend and will be greatly missed. Your music and legacy will live forever and you will too in our hearts.
Rest in peace
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Mihaela
From: Romania
E-mail: Contact
Rest in peace.
I will love you forever. Your music, your energy and beliefs I'll cherish for all my life
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: ashleigh
From: Liverpool
E-mail: Contact
He was the king of pop, and i liked his music so im sad:(
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Brendaliz
From: Caguas, Puerto Rico
E-mail: Contact
MJ: Muchas personas nunca entendieron que dentro de ti llevabas a un niño pequeño, no entenderan que quer�as ayudar a las personas necesitadas y que eras una persona de un gran coraz�n. Nos diste todo lo mejor de ti, viviste y te dedicaste 100% a tus fans, quienes siempre estuvieron contigo. Cuando el mundo te di� la espalda, tus fans estuvieron contigo. Que pena que tuviste que partir con Dios para que la gente se diera cuenta de lo grande que eres. GRACIAS por tu musica, por dedicar tu vida entera a darnos la mejor musica y el mejor entretenimiento. Descansa en paz Michael, por fin estas en Paz.
Added: July 2, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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