Michael Jackson | Condolence Book

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Name: Ella
you were a good singer i speak from the heart when i say that you and your music will always be in everybodys memories R.I.P .my thoughts are with the jackson family.
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Fiona Isabelle McGee
From: Hertfordshire UK
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I was devestated to hear news of Michael Jacksons death. I saw him in concert twice and he was amazing. I was so looking forward to tour. He'll be greatly missed in the music industry, he was a legend, the "King of Pop" and know one else will ever be able to replace him. xxx
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: paul canale
From: scotland
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i 1st seen michael jackson in concert in glasgow in 1996 he was awesome it was the best concert ive seen in my life and i was lucky enough to see him. may god be with you michael and thanks for being in my lifetime rest in piece say hi to elvis for me.just one thing atleast your at piece now...
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Danielle S
From: London
You were a True Legend. You never deserved all the unhappiness in your life. You Had great impact on everyone! You brought happiness into the world with your music and dancing. I still cannot believe you are gone, I walked around in a daze. I feel like ive lost someone close to me!...I love you Michael! RIP, Sleep Well and Your spirit will live on forever! xxxxx
Danielle S xxxxx <3
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: vonnie
From: england
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michael,i grew up listening to your music you were my little hero back then,and over the years your music got better and better going to miss all that now xxxx
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: matt
From: england
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: chantelle lines
From: sunderland (uk england)
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i cant believe that the pop king is dead i really love his music and him and his musical family are amazing how could he die at such a young age but all the plastic surgery spoilt him and he looked frail and old my deapest sympothy goes to his family and close friends and those who loved him god bless the kids and i hope that his spirit will live on forever i dont believe that he done those things to the children and the jokes people are making are sick you should say that about people who are dead and no longer with us RIP jackoo !! the pop king ! !
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jennifer McFloon
From: Tennessee
RIP Michael
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Olubunmi
From: Nigeria
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Well, for a long time, Michael did not just influence pop, he himself was pop. I could sum up all dance moves as "acting like Michael". He was really talented and this described his music, his dance moves and his videoes. He was so full of creative energy, and I loved him for it. He also had this burning passion for the cause of suffering children. Although I hate what he became over the last few years, I still wish he didn't die.He was truly an icon of the arts. Well, his life was short, but his works would most certainly live forever. I'll miss you, Michael Jackson.
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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