Michael Jackson | Condolence Book

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Name: katkalovesMJ
From: slovakia
E-mail: Contact
miss u so much!!...
u r the best!!
never 4get u..
The ONE & ONLY..
<3 u 4ever..!
hope u on "that" better place with big dancefloor in the middle..
Added: June 30, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Donna-Marie Gourlay
From: Harrogate, England
E-mail: Contact
He was a true legend!!
Ppl only seem to remem the allegations cos that was the last time he was in the papers, BUT what about everything else...the music, the charity work, the love he gave, the legacy he built!
He was a father, a brother, a son.
My thoughts are with his family, May his children grow to find out what a true star he was!
I hope Michaels at peace.
We'll always have his music and memories.
Added: June 30, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: garry brewin
From: wales. uk
E-mail: Contact
ur music will live on in our lives. you'll never be forgotten. r.i.p. i hope u found the peace u were looking for.
Added: June 30, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Victoria Sinani
From: Surrey, UK
E-mail: Contact
'The King of Pop' your legacy lives on in all of your fans. Rest in peace.
Added: June 30, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Q: What do Micheal Jackson and Saddam Hussein have in common?
A: They both pulled out of Jordan.
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Anna
From: Australia
E-mail: Contact

Here is a poem that express' how i feel, its called
'Thinking of You'
I’m thinking of you
With joy and pleasure,
Remembering times
I’ll always treasure.
When I think of you,
My heart is light;
You’re a special person,
A sheer delight.
Thoughts of you cheer me up
Whenever I’m blue;
I’m always happy
When I think of you.
I think of you often,
In the fondest way;
I cherish you more
Than I ever could say.

By Joanna Fuchs

Rest in peace Michael, you will truly be missed.
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: donna-marie wroe
From: grimsby
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micheal u r a gr8 man am only 19 but i always liked ur music and ur dancing from a young age mum used 2 play it all the time so am hooked :) cant believe your gone just doesnt seem really i cant stop playing your music and i collected all the tribute stuff out the papers just need ya albums now thou there hard 2 get hold of i fink ur a true inspiration n all the sick people out there whi cant say oat nice bout u or wunt give ya that chance arent worth the time or effort i think you r a wonderful person here alive or passed on ur legacy will live on no1 will be able to take your place as king of pop they would have pretty big shoes to fill your 1 in a million a true artist and entertainer and a utterly great legend
R.I.P Michael Jackson 1958-2009
love you 4 ever u r not alone
u will be 4eva in our hearts

xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Suncica
From: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovi
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Diana
From: Florida
E-mail: Contact
Michael, you are only a few months older than I am. I grew up with your music and it will be embedded in me forever. I took my now 30 year old son to see your *Thriller* tour when you were in Knoxville, TN..his dad waited in line all night for tix...we will miss you and remember you forever!!~~Rest in Peace Sweetie~~Diana
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Angelo Samarawickrema
From: Sri Lanka
E-mail: Contact
Dear Michael.
I thank God for bringing you into this world. He used you mightily through the talents He gave you and you truly did amazingly to help the people through all you did and you will always be remembered and we shall join you above soon. YOu truly did help change the World and bring unity.

God Bless you and you left leaving behind for us to always remember you.

Your Music & Style which will never ever be repeated by any living soul.

You were unique and amazingly created by God.
Thank you for your music

God Bless you and may all those fans out there realize that

Please join this group and Michael's Memory alive
Added: June 29, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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